Global Network of Public Health Nursing
Supporting public health nurses in developing practice across the world
What is a public health nurse?
Public health nurses, who may work across the life course or specialise in - for example early childhood, are qualified and registered nurses or midwives who have then undertaken training to specialise in health promotion and health protection.
Their additional training in public health means that public health nurses play a vital role in promoting and protecting the public’s health. This might be by promoting healthy lifestyles and reducing the likelihood of ill-health, supporting people who have long-term illness, preventing illness through immunisations or screening interventions or promoting mental wellbeing.
The Global Network of Public Health Nursing (GNPHN) is a membership organisation that aims to support public health nurses in developing their practice wherever they work in the world through the sharing of knowledge and public health nursing practice.
This has been the driving force of the six hugely successful International Public Health Nursing conferences the GNPHN has hosted which have taken place in 2009, 2011, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 2022. At these conferences, the delegates supported the need for a forum to support the on-going conversations and discussions between the conferences.
The Global Network strives to promote these conversations and discussions, through its website and events.
Introduction to the conference from Co-chairs
Dr Aliyah Dosani and Dr Zahra Shajani
Registration now open for the
7th International GNPHN
The 7th International Conference of the Global Network of Public Health Nursing will be held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada from 28-30 July 2025.
The conference is being hosted by The University of Calgary and Mount Royal University, supported by Tourism Calgary.
The theme for this conference is Building Resilience and Innovative Solutions: Amplifying Impact and Advancing Positive Global Public Health Change.​
Please visit our dedicated conference page for all the details!

New blogs available
We have added a number of new blogs to the website on a variety of interesting topics such as public health nursing in different countries, COVID-19 and the first in a new series of "A day in the life..." blogs.
Available to GNPHN Members only
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