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Membership of the GNPHN

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Benefits of Membership

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Individual Membership

Individual GNPHN Membership provides a unique professional development opportunity with the following benefits:


  • opportunities to learn from, and connect and network with, those working in public health nursing globally through our exclusive online members area

  • the opportunity to seek a different global perspective for in-country developments

  • personal inspiration from your public health nursing colleagues around the world

  • the opportunity to inform your practice and developments with

  • access to the resources on the exclusive online members area of the GNPHN website, these include conference presentations and country profiles of public health nursing

  • access to members opportunities promoted on the website

  • the professional opportunity to contribute experience and news from your work context to share with those working in other countries, either directly or through our work streams

  • reduced member rates for conferences and other GNPHN events


Associate Membership

Associate GNPHN Membership is a unique opportunity for your organization providing the following benefits:


  • a very public connection with the GNPHN through the display of your organisation’s logo on the GNPHN website which will be linked directly to your website

  • collaboration and partnership opportunities with other professional bodies representing public health nursing across the globe

  • the opportunity to attract new international members and for universities - students, when they access your website from the GNPHN website

  • the opportunity for four nominated members of your team to, as members, stay ahead of international developments in public health nursing to inform your local developments

  • access, for your nominated representatives, to the resources on the exclusive online members area of the GNPHN website, these include conference presentations

  • a forum and other opportunities to network with other public health academics and professional bodies around the world

  • reduced member rates for conferences and other GNPHN events for up to four nominated individuals in your organisation

Our membership plans

We want to make sure our membership is accessible to all, including those in lower income countries. Therefore, we have structured our fees accordingly. Please check the details below to ensure you apply for the correct category.

  • Individual - low/middle income country

    Every year
    Open to any nurse/health visitor working in public health from a low to middle income country
    • Individual - high income country

      Every year
      Open to any nurse/health visitor working in public health from a high income country
      • Retired

        Every year
        Open to retired nurses/health visitors previously working in public health
        • Student

          Every year
          Open to Students studying to become a nurse/health visitor
          • Associate - low to middle income country

            Every year
            For professional associations, universities and other organisations interested in our work
            • Includes membership for 4 people
          • Associate - high income country

            Every year
            For professional associations, universities and other organisations interested in our work
            • Includes membership for 4 people


          The GNPHN refer to the World Bank's website when checking income levels of a country. Please ensure you check your country's income level below before purchasing.

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